Thursday, October 14, 2004


Why is it that I am always the one people want to be the bigger and better person? I am only human, I know my limitations though I will always strive to overcome them? Of late, a friend has told me that I should try to convince someone to stay. Question to all my friends out there who read my blog, have I ever tried to talk you out of anything except suicide for the fellas, and you panties(thongs, tongas, briefs, boxers, biking shorts, skirts, pants, you get the idea) for the ladies? We are all grown ass people, so why is it up to me to alleviate somebody's conscience, and make a decision easier for them? If you want to go, go. If you want to stay, stay. The consequences of your actions you will just have to live with.

As an aside, the dictionary definition of consequences is; Main Entry: con·se·quence Pronunciation: 'kän(t)-s&-"kwen(t)s, -si-kw&n(t)sFunction: noun1 : a conclusion derived through logic : INFERENCE 2 : something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions 3 a : importance with respect to power to produce an effect : MOMENT b : social importance 4 : the appearance of importance; especially : SELF-IMPORTANCEsynonym see IMPORTANCE- in consequence : as a result : CONSEQUENTLY

That is by the inference of this definition ( thank you Merriam-Webster) simply the results of any action you take. Whatever they are, you must accept them. That being said, Go with GOD.
To all who believe that I am being silly, tough. Those who do know me best will tell you that I am being only what I am. Disclaimer:Now what they think of it is another matter. I am not a whiner, I am not a beggar, nor will I ever plead for someone to see reason. I will debate till the death, reason; in a debate, you have to weigh the pros and cons, take everything into perspective, and if you don't agree with the other side after all is said and done, you don't have to. That is why I love debating ie: trying to get Quill to accept the Three-Edged Sword theorem. He has accepted the parts of it that he can, and left the rest for the birds. That is debating, he even has referrenced it to me recently. Yeah me, or us since I was not alone in trying to convince him of this simple universal truth. even if worded differently, it is still the same concept.

Now I have written all that to say this, I never turn my back on my friends, no matter what wrongs they have done. I will accept them and forgive them. I am always (for some reason) here,right here in St. Louis. If you ever want to reach me, simply try, and it can be achieved simply enough.

On that note, I am out of here. Need to e-mail some friends on this update of events.


Blogger Shark said...

Hey you ok?drop me a line,and we will talk.

Friday, October 15, 2004 9:12:00 AM  
Blogger Shark said...

oh yeah you talked me out of shooting a guy who assulted you.Does that count?

Friday, October 15, 2004 9:13:00 AM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

Good point, I stand corrected. I will be e-mailing you the details post-haste.

Friday, October 15, 2004 12:08:00 PM  
Blogger Jaime said...

You've never tried to talk me out of anything, and I like that. I know that you'll always be brutally honest with's one of your best qualities. When I want to be talked into or out of something, I call someone else because I know I'm just not going to get that from you.

Saturday, October 16, 2004 6:54:00 PM  

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